Monday, February 15, 2010

BB guns – two important purposes they serve

A BB gun is typically used by people for target practice or simply for fun. However, there are two other important purposes that the BB guns serve.

Shooting Competitions

A BB gun is typically used for a competitive shooting event. It has properly been identified by the authorities like, the National Rifle Association. The association has a youth shooting program that specially recognizes the smoothbore BB guns to be used by young people from the age of 8 to 15, for competitive events.

Youth Groups

The BB guns are popular with a number of youth groups. These groups include the Boy Scouts of America as well as the 4H.

Quick Kill Training

The U.S. Army has always used the bb guns to improve their soldiers’ target shooting skills. The recruits were given with a couple of BB guns to improve their Quick Kill techniques. It helped the soldiers improve their performance with a variety of weapons in the Vietnam War from the years 1967-1973.

The technique of using a BB gun for quick kill training included the removal of sights from the various models of BB guns.

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