Air soft is replica of real firearms. It is a label given to the sport guns for children. These guns are said to be non lethal. The ammunition used in this gun does not contain ant lethal component. It consists of soft BBs or pellets. These pellets are easily available in the sports stores in the local market. Airs soft guns or bb guns are manufactured as plastic toys but they can be manufactured like that of real firearms. The weight, mechanism, look and touch of the
bb guns are same like that of real guns. But the propulsion system used in these guns is different from the one used in the real firearms. These guns fire non lethal explosives but if not taken care of it may prove dangerous. In most of the cases it is used to create a burst of air.
Air soft guns were first invented in Japan. Later it became almost a craze among the children. But even adults also love to use it and apply it for several purposes.
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